About Me
Photography is something that has always interested me. When I was young, I really enjoyed going to my grandparent's house to visit because my Grandfather had a very nice collection of National Geographic magazines. I would sit for hours, not really reading the articles, but staring at the pictures. This provided a way for me to travel into far off places and imagine standing right there with the photographers, seeing the world as they did. My Grandfather passed long ago but I still have all of his National Geographic magazines and I continue to allow myself to get lost in them.
For me, the thought of being a photographer always floated around in the back of my mind, and that is where it stayed for most of my life. I didn't really have the confidence I needed to pursue it. Then, a few years ago I expressed a desire to explore it to my beautiful wife and she told me she believed in me and said, "Well then do it."
With her encouragement, I took those first few steps and on our wedding day I purchased my first used DSLR. Then on our honeymoon we went to the Tetons. I have been hooked ever since. That created a desire in me to learn as much as I can about the general practices of photography. I have not only learned a great deal from online tutorials, reading books, and studying other photographers, but also from many moments of trial and error.
When I find scenery to shoot, I generally envision what I want to share. I am always exploring better ways to capture a picture and edit it in a way that portrays that vision. I hope to seek out the possibilities of scenes that will draw you out of your surrounding and into another place and time.
Please enjoy my work. I am excited to share it with you and hope that you allow yourself to experience the adventure of traveling to some far off places with me.
Rick Mower